Types of Fishing Lures

Buying Guide: Best Types of Fishing Lures  Models and Features

When it comes to lures, everybody has a favorite. There really is no “best type”, or you would only ever see a single lure ever being cast, which isn’t the case. Some people swear that certain lures work better than others for all types of fish, and while some may work better on certain species, in many cases people just choose whichever one they fancy and stick with it. Why? Because who knows what lurks beneath? In fishing tournaments, you’ll see many variations, because the type of fish is not important.

However, if you are targeting specific species of fishes, what lure you use does make a difference. What makes the biggest difference though, is the presentation of that particular lure. The presentation is the way that you cast and reel in the lure, and can have a major influence on your success rate, regardless of the lure itself. That being said, here is a list of some of the best fishing lures and what species of fish they are designed to catch.

Keep reading for more information on the various types and methods you can use to snag your fish.

Also, people who stick with a single lure will eventually get stuck in a rut, the truth is that you should be very versatile in your lure selection. Whether it be crankbait, crawdads, worms, or spoons, be sure to mix it up. Not just to maximize efficiency, but to keep yourself focused.

However if you are asking me which is the best fishing lure, you can’t go wrong with the good old fashioned crankbait, and I always start and finish with it. However, there are a few real advantages and disadvantages to each lure depending on the kind of fish you are targeting, so pay attention.

In the end though, like me, you’ll probably end up settling for whichever looks the coolest and then expand from there!

Types of Fishing Lures and their Presentation

The Spoon: Spoons get their name, as you would expect, from their origin. The very first spoon lures were actually kitchen utensils with the handle broken off, and Native Americans fished with this type of lure using mollusk shells as well. However, the spoon fishing lures which you see today vary greatly, coming in many different types of colors and sizes. The major benefit to this lure is that when it moves through the water, it simulates an injured baitfish, which are the meal of choice for gamefish.

Spoon Presentation: The style of presentation can actually vary quite a bit. Some spoons are designed to be trolled, some to be jigged, and some to be trolled. If you are a beginner, try purchasing the a casting spoon, as these are easy to use and are similar to spinners in their action. However, make sure that when you reel in the lure, you include some speed variations. Too much speed will make the lure spin instead of wobble, so a hair below that speed is what you are shooting for.

The Jigs: Even though I love my crankbait, jigs might be my favorite lure due to their versatility. Some people consider them to be the best fishing lure that you can buy. No matter what species of fish you are targeting, a jig can snag it, and they won’t cost you much to purchase either. They are distinguished due to their weighted lead head, and are dressed in just about everything, which gives it the appearance of a hoola dress or tail. This can include hair, plastics, or feathers.

Jig Presentation: Using a jig involves a ton of skill. Unlike other lures such as spinners, all of the action in the water comes from the way that you tug on the line. For experienced Jig fishermen, they may have their own way of tossing the jig, but what I like to do is cast it way out, and wait for it to hit the bottom. Perhaps this is why jigs cost so little, because most anglers are sure to lose the lure from snagging it on the bottom of the lake. You’ll know its touched the lakebed because the fishing line will begin to give some slack. Afterwards, begin tugging on the jig by yanking the rod up and slowly reeling it in, be mindful however, it can be difficult to detect the strike of the fish.

Flies: These are designed specifically for the fly fisherman, but some people will attach bubble floats to them. These fishing lures are very light weight, and are designed to resemble flies or other insects during various stages of their life span, although some flies resemble leaches, hoppers, or frogs. The construction of these lures is done using feathers, but can include fur and other newer materials such as foam and rubber.

Presentation of Flies: Flies are designed to act in two different ways. Dry flies have some type of floatation attached to them, and will sit just above the surface, resembling common insects. Wet flies such as streamers or nymphs you trail below the surface of the water. Fly fishing is the most difficult type of fishing that you can do.

Plasticworms/Soft Baits: Plastic bait can resemble a ton of different objects, but mostly forage critters that you find in the water. Some look like frogs, some look like crawdads, but most of them look like worms. They have scents and shiny bits implanted within them, and are created so that the fish swallows the lure for a longer period of time before they attempt to eject it from its mouth.

Softbait Presentation: These types of lures are mainly used to target bass, yet each fishing lure that you purchase in this style has a distinct presentation which you should stick to. The technique which me and most of my friends use, is a style called the Texas Rig. You create this rig by threading a bullet weight onto the fishing line, and just above the hook. Then you take the hook and pierce the top of your plasticbait (in this case use a worm), and thread the barb throughout the body, burying it deep and covering the entire hook. This creates a “weedless” lure, so you can cast it in areas of the lake or river which are holding areas for fish, without worry of getting it hooked on underwater foliage. The remaining part of the technique involves you twitching on the rod a few times after it hits the bottom of the lake bed.

The Spinner: Spinners are very easy to use, and I highly recommend them to beginners. Basically, they are just a small metal shift which spins around, and some variations include dresses. How spinners work, is as you pull them through the water, the metal spins, creating sounds and vibrations, which attract the fish. In water which is difficult to see such as murky water, this will give you an advantage over other fishing lures.

Spinner Presentation: Very simple to handle, all you really have to do is cast and retrieve. I vary the pace just to see if that makes a difference, but it doesn’t take much skill.

Spinnerbaits and Buzzbaits: These look somewhat like spoons, and somewhat like jigs, but are neither and look a bit awkward. They consist of a safety pin-ish type wire which attaches to the head of the fishing lure, and then the rest of the body is then dressed. They also include one or more metallic blades, like those seen on your standard spinners.

Spinner/Buzz Presentation: There are a few methods when using this fishing lure, but the most common way to fish with this and the method which I use is called the “Chck-N-Wind”. Just cast your spinnerbait out, let it sink about 5 feet, and then retrieve it at a modest pace.

 Lures versus Bait

There are many advantages to fishing with lures, as well as some disadvantages. When compared with just a bait and hook, I personally just like being cleaner, but I find that lures tend to be more effective as well. I know a few people who are quite successful, who use nothing but bait however, so it is really your choice.

Advantages: First off, lures are a lot less messy. No dead animal, nothing gooey, you can stay cleaner which is a must for me. Lures are also larger than your standard bait and hook, which decreases the chance of “gut hooking” your fish. Gut hooking is when the fish completely swallows the hook.

With lures, you can also zing it out further to cover more water, no matter where you are standing, and they allow you to target specific species of fish. Finally, they are just really simple to use, you can adjust lures and change them out easily.

Disadvantages: Disadvantages all comes down to money. Lures can be quite expensive when first purchased. You will probably save money in the long run if you can keep them longer, but some of the more expensive lures can cost you an arm and a leg. Remember, the best fishing lure available isn’t going to guarantee you a catch. You also risk having your line snag on a branch or somewhere else in the water, or your line may snap due to a poor rod choice. The costs can add up.
